BASF helps you get the most from every hectare no matter what crop you grow, adding value all the way from seed to harvest. We offer a wide range of crop solutions – including new crop varieties with game-changing traits, innovative herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and seed treatments – that can deliver healthier plants, higher yields and higher profits.
The challenges in cropping are always changing, and we all need to keep pace with that change. That’s why BASF invests over a billion dollars globally each year in research and development related to farming. Here in Australia, the teams who work at our innovation and trial sites, in our laboratories and on-farm in every cropping area, both help to develop original solutions and adapt global innovations to deliver the best outcomes on Australian farms.

Our Vision
For the love of farming, the biggest job on Earth
We believe farming is the biggest job on Earth. We love what we do and it’s why we get up in the morning, keep innovating and have been supporting agriculture for over a century.
An ever-growing population. Climate change. Limited arable land. Managing change and resources. Reducing emissions. Preserving biodiversity. Meeting rising consumer expectations. Farmers have never faced greater challenges and complexity. But at the same time, thanks to fast moving improvements in science, technology, products and practices, there has also never been a time of greater opportunity. Balancing the need for increased productivity, environmental protection and value to society will be key to overcoming the food challenges of the future.
That’s why our vision and the core of our strategy are all about the love of farming. Because feeding the planet is fundamental issue of our times. Farmers are doing the biggest job on Earth.