All farmers understand that success is measured over many years, not just a single season. The ultimate goal is to pass your land on to the next generation in a better, more productive condition than you inherited it in.
We are a business built on innovation. And year by year, we work hard to bring more sustainable solutions to farmers to help achieve our joint aim of producing not just higher but also better yields by both increasing productivity and profitability and preserving our natural resources.

New modes of action
Resistance to existing modes of action is a key threat to the sustainability of cropping and the best remedy is introducing new ones. BASF are leading the way.
Luximax® introduced the first new class of herbicide chemistry in decades and the registration of Liberty for use in canola brings its mode of action into broadacre cropping for the first time as well.
Insecticides with unique new modes of action scheduled for release in the coming years and we have many other innovative formulations in development.
Biological solutions
Our range of inoculants is a well-established biological solution that pays off twice over by both boosting the yields from treated crops and reducing the need for nitrogen fertilisers in following years. We also offer game-changing biological crop protection products like Velifer® and Serifel® that show effective, integrated pest and disease control can be achieved with much less environmental impact than in the past.
More and more of our products now come in these cleverly designed eco-packs. As well as containing 20% less plastic than standard industry products, they are easier to store, use and dispose of.

Product stewardship
We are conscious that both used chemical containers and unused chemicals are potential health and environmental hazards. So we are committed, longstanding supporters of the services that take them off your hands and dispose of them safely and responsibly: drumMUSTER and ChemClear.
The drumMUSTER logo on our containers signifies that all you have to do is triple-rinse them and drop them off at the nearest collection site. If you register for ChemClear, you’ll be notified in advance of each local collection campaign.
Investment in our communities
A healthy future for farming has to include thriving rural communities with opportunities for young people to find fulfilling work. Our investment in regional innovation sites, association with Longerenong College through the Wheat and Oilseeds Breeding Centre, and numerous local sponsorships help create extra employment and educational opportunities in agriculture.
Constructive partnerships
Co-operation across the industry is also essential to ensure we achieve change smoothly and that no one gets left behind. That’s why we are enthusiastic participants in transformative initiatives like WeedSmart and the NFF’s Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program and a major sponsor of Hort Connections as well as drumMUSTER, ChemClear and grower groups across the country.
Information sharing
In a period of such rapid change, sharing new insights, observations and outcomes as quickly and widely as possible helps us all. Innovation site tours and face-to-face presentations allow us to show local growers and agronomists how our latest innovations are performing as it happens.